My Core Pilosophies
Honour Neurodiversity First.
Neurodiversity enriches human kind. We all have unique contributions to make regardless of how we read, learn, process, think, feel or socialise. I adopt a strengths-based approach in which individual processing differences are seen, valued and accounted for.
Neurodivergent individuals may have significant challenges in a world that is 'built' primarily to accommodate neurotypical people. In light of this, we all have a responsibility to understand neurodivergent individuals' unique experience and seek to learn from, respect, support and accommodate differences.
A Parent is Their Child's Best Guide.
Parents are the most impactful and influential people in their children's lives. In my family -centred practice, I consider all members of the family, so these primary relationships are safe, nurturing and growth -promoting. We are raising children to live in a world that we may not recognise a few decades from now. We need to raise thinkers and problem-solvers, children who know who they are, feel safe in that knowing and feel free to share the unique gifts they bring to the world.
The Behaviour We See, is Merely the Tip of the Iceberg.
All behaviour is communication. I approach all behaviours from a place of curiosity and veer away from the perspective that challenging behaviours require 'changing'. Challenging behaviours always is our first indication that a child is struggling. Underneath these stress behaviours lie pain, confusion, anxiety, fear and a host of challenges, that would probably break our hearts if we knew about them all. I encourage soft eyes on tough behaviours so they can be an avenue to connection, understanding, and true support where it is needed.