Activities that will provide proprioceptive input in different ways/ and at different times of day:
Mornings at home:
At schools where there are no formal sensory spaces, heavy work can be incorporated into a child’s day, with and without them knowing. Sometimes children don’t want to take breaks for the fear of seeming to be ‘different’. In those cases we can ‘hide’ heavy work breaks in creative ways. We may ask a child to wipe the white board clean, or push a cart of books to deliver to the library/office, ask a child to stack chairs, or push tables to the wall. Heavy work breaks can also be part of a whole class schedule. The class can work together and work together to try to push the will of the class over, they can do chair sit ups right in their seats. Classroom tools that provide deep pressure/weight such as heavy putty as a fidget, a weighted lap pad during seated or circle time, giving playdough to ply with while waiting, tactile balls that require squeezing, can help a child feel more focused and calm during those times of day where they find it harder to pay attention.
Action Points:
Choose one or two activities as above to include in the day. Experiment with what works for your child and keep the rest in your back pocket for when the sensory needs/preferences change
Share 5 minutes of special time with your child – touching them – hugging, stroking, sitting on your lap – singing, saying rhymes or reminiscing about a special memory you have of them.
Conversation starters: What or who brought you the greatest happiness today?
Take time alone.
Notice an unpleasant emotion. Allow it to be for a few moments. Then watch it go.